Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Tips to Write a Song

Thursday, August 30, 2018

In Case You Missed It

This is my all time favorite movie quote:

And I mean it. I love it. It reminds me not to dwell on the past and move forward with things. Within one's own life (and apart from some very important lessons) I believe this to be a sound practice. We need to move past anything that's holding us back and get on with it! 

I've had to redo a lot of things. Seems every year or so, I'm reinventing the wheel and trying on something new.
When you work really hard to get something off the ground, you hope you never have to go back to that place of incubation and launch again (large scale).

 But, stuff happens. You don't know where life will lead you. Mine led me to a new state and town, and with no band. So what does that mean? 

New opportunities! New Growth! 
I could,... I can,...

Ok, well, maybe not like that. 

But I did launch that new series on Youtube, with new songs underneath to got with it. So, just in case you missed it, here they are:

I hope you Enjoy!  -- Don't forget to subscribe and push the notification bell! 
Oh, and I've started a Patreon page too. So if you're interested in that, here's the link: https://www.patreon.com/amykurylo

Thanks!  ~ Amy

Saturday, July 21, 2018

The Jukebox Kitchenette

Do you subscribe to my youtube channel? 
If not, you might want to take a look within the coming weeks.
I'm starting a new Youtube series called, "The Jukebox Kitchenette"!

So excited to share with you tips and tricks for a small kitchen, recipes, and some original music to jam with. It's gonna be fun, quirky, and person-al-i-T!

 So subscribe and tune in for the fun! 

For right now, you can go check out my channel and watch videos from RCJ or just take a look around. Enjoy! but don't forget to tune in for the debut.
  It's gonna swing!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Reading for a Living

So, for the past few months I've been auditioning for books and finally got my first book recorded. It's a great feeling to have accomplished something like this. Why?

  1. Honest Work - it really is. If you think it's easy, you should try it sometime. 
  2. Use of the Studio - my studio is great for music projects, but it's nice that I can use it for something else, like another person's project, once in a while. 
  3. Experience - I've always loved voiceover work, and this is something I'm good at.

You may be asking, "Wait, you've been auditioning for months and JUST got a job?" 

Well, actually, yes and no. See, I got my first job doing a romance book, but the book was too racey for me and I had to turn it down. I've also been asked to do erotic titles (because of my deeper voice, I guess). 

But, yeah, it's hard to get voice over work. The competition is high and there's a lot of talent out there. 

I hope to do more of it though. I really enjoy working in the studio.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

New blog

If you want to keep up with my writing and stuff, check out my new blog.


However, I would like to say that my new adventure isn't without it's bumps. I thought I could let this blog go, but it turns out, I have to keep it going. Can't reinvent yourself to often or you never get anywhere. It's sort of a catch 22.

You can't get anywhere unless you move forward, but you can't move forward unless you keep one foot firmly planted whence you came.

So, for now, we shall see what new adventures I shall have. You can read about them here and there.


Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Back in the saddle again...


4 years and no posts?! That's sad. However, I have not lost out on anything. I was WORKING.

So what am I up to now? Well, if you go to amykurylo.com. You'll see I've released a new CD called "Child of God".

It's available on  iTunesgoogle playcdbaby and a bunch of other places online.

I've also just started a podcast called:  Reverie Stories

This is a collection of original children's stories with music, sound fx and vocal talent. Should be a lot of fun! Hope you'll subscribe.

Monday, July 12, 2010

The Silver Lining

I am so excited to tell all of the King's Quest Fans about the fan-developed game I was a part of called "The Silver Lining". Created by Pheonix Online Games, this game takes you back to the Green Isles and the family from Daventry created by Roberta Williams. Graham, Valenice, Rosella and Edgar are all in it and it's a free download. I hope you enjoy some of the character voices. You may recognize the narrator...

Check out Amy's Website to see where she's performing next!